Martin Warner Alexander Technique (AT) Custom Experiential Event

with Martin Warner


I am excited to announce that I have secured Martin Warner to fly in from the UK to facilitate a custom-made Alexander Technique experiential event:

Friday, March 28th, Saturday, March 29th, and Sunday, March 30th, 2025

Location: Chandler, Arizona (Hilton Garden Hotel In Downtown Chandler)

Times: 9 AM - 5 PM (Lunch Is On Your Own & Off Site 12:00-1:30) 

Also, March 27th, 2024 PM "Meet and Greet Gathering" TBA Soon

This event gives psychotherapists a unique opportunity to learn directly and in person from Martin Warner who was trained in the work of F.M. Alexander since 1999 and has over 40+ years of working with people in an educational and therapeutic capacity and throughout the world.

The Alexander Technique and Martin’s associated interweaves can help psychotherapists to explore how the muscular system is continually being employed to wall off access to affects and deep pain, thus impacting processing. The lack of awareness of this in the client, and therapist, can deeply impact the therapeutic process. Interweaves rooted in the Alexander Technique can help to deepen the therapeutic experience and further facilitate trauma processing as well as when addressing blocks.

In addition, clinicians may also be surprised to learn that AT is not limited to its integration with therapeutic modalities and is a powerful change agent in and of itself. 

Clinicians attending this experience will gain first-hand experience of the process of "being" vs. "doing" by learning experientially. We will engage in experiential paired work to understand how personalized and historically-based movement behaviours communicate in clients' and our, nervous systems. We also have the opportunity to reclaim our own energy and address what we may experienced as fatigue, or in its extreme, burnout.

A marked and substantial change in the relationship between the head and body can help to bring a constructive alteration of perception, time, sense of self, others, and the world during trauma processing as well as in other areas of one's life. 

This custom event will especially be of interest to those clinicians who are DBR therapy trained, and who seek to be better informed about AT's focus on the head and body relationship. 

The event is being booked to be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Chandler, Arizona.  The early bird rate for this pre-sale will be $1,500 and is due upon registration.

I will also arrange an informal meet and greet the night before the event, to kick us off. More details on that soon. I will also submit for CEs, albeit I cannot guarantee them at this time.

Please note that due to the custom nature of this course, and the costs involved, there are no refunds, exchanges, or transfers. Your registration is a commitment to attend. 

Hilton Garden Inn

+1 623-471-8400
150 South Arizona Ave.,
Get directions